Senin, 28 September 2009

Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung

(born November 5, 1983) is an English television presenter and model. Since June 2009 she has had a show called It's On with Alexa Chung which airs on MTV in the United States.

Alexa Chung was raised in Privett, Hampshire, England by her English mother, a housewife, and her Chinese father, a graphic designer. She is the youngest of four children and has two brothers and one sister.

She attended the local comprehensive school, Perins Community College, and later the sixth form Peter Symonds College, Winchester (2000-2002). She had been accepted by King’s College London to read English and by Chelsea College of Art and Design to do an art foundation course, with two 'A' grades (English and Art) and a 'B' (History) at A-level, before being scouted by a modelling agency.

Chung was approached in the comedy tent at Reading Festival at the age of 16 and was taken on by the London-based Storm Model Management.

She modelled for teen magazines such as Elle Girl and CosmoGIRL! and appeared in adverts for products including Fanta, Sony Ericsson, Sunsilk and Tampax.[2] She also modelled forUrban Outfitters. She appeared in music videos for artists including The Streets, Westlife, Delta Goodrem, Reuben and Holly Valance and starred as Jake in a scripted reality show calledShoot Me, broadcast on Fashion TV in 2005.

After four years, Chung quit modelling with the intention of beginning an art foundation or fashion journalism course, having become disillusioned. She had developed a “distorted body image” and “low self-esteem” through modelling. [3]

After becoming a famous TV personality, Chung made a return to occasional modelling. In 2008, she was the face of both Australian fashion label Antipodium's SS 2008 collection andOxfam's ethical fashion range, Revamped. In September 2008, Chung walked the catwalk as part of the Vivienne Westwood Red Label Spring/Summer 2009 show at London Fashion Week. In early 2009, she became the face of British high street giant New Look. Also in 2009, Chung joined London-based modelling agency, Select. In April 2009, she modelled Wren's Holiday 2009 collection, alongside her friend Tennessee Thomas.

Jumat, 25 September 2009

sosok minggu ini wakakakak

I miss my verinasuuwww uouo~~
I want to share and tell so many stories, she is the best pal ever, she always listen to me and give any solution to my problem, she always there for me when I need her
xoxo verina dwirahma lot of love for you my sweetie pie WAKAKAKAK


hello semuanya lama ga ngepost nih abis rada males ngetik gitu hehehe

eiya hari ini gua rada bete gitu deh abisnya ya masa gua ditinggal sendirian dirumah padahal kan lagi libur gitu hhhhhhhhh menyebalkan mending kalo perginya bilang gitu, ini gua lagi tidur tiba tba pas gua bangun udah ga ada orang terus pintu rumah DKUNCI!!!!!!!! untung gua tau tempat persembunyian kunci itu wuuuu

yaudah daripada gua bete ga ngapa-ngapain mendingan gua online aja terus iseng iseng posting blog deh hahaha mana gua laper nih sekrang bingung deh mau makan apa soalnya GA DI TINGGALIN MAKANAN MASA!!!! huuuu cediiiiiih akuwwwwwwhhhh WAKAKAKAK

eh eh gua udah tau nih mau bikin apa, ini miuman energi kesukaan gua namanya
hot milk coco wkwk apaan dah ngasal namanya baru gua namain sekarang itu haha
mau tau cara buat nya, begini looooocccccccc
1. siap kan cangkir/gelas dan semacamnya
2. tuangkan 3 sendok milo
3. tuangkan 1 sendok dancow atau susu merek lain yg full cream yeww
4. tuangkan hot air secukupnya hwehe
5. sajikan dengan roti/biskuit malt/pake biskuat juga enak ko wakakak
6. minum deh
coba deh resep dari gua kalo lu bernasib sama pasi deh ga bete lagi, you knw whyyyyyy?, karena coklat itu dipercaya bisa menghilangkan streeees jadi kalo lo lagi atau cedihhhuuu makan aja chocolate lebih baik sih minum hot chocolate soalnya aroma nya pasti lebih terasa giccuuhhh haha ya lebih baik sih pake cara itu daripada setres terus bunuh diri hayooowww?wkwk lebay ah

sekarang masa ya gua kangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen banget main sama
Verina Beby Arin Lia Grace Ivan Batak Naufal huuuu gara gara liburan nih kita jadi ga pernah main lagi soalnya pd sibuk sama liburan masing masing aaaaaaaaa emang sih minggu lalu gua juga abis dr Bandung huu membosankan banget tuh Bandung hhh kangen banget mereka deh pengen main bareng mereka lagi hahaha

eh eh tadi masa bokap gua nelfon terus nanya nanya gua udah makan apa belom bahhhh gimana gua mau makan gua ditinggal tanpa makanan dirumah hhhhh aneh aneh aja pak tubagus hahahaha tolol ah, gue juga dapet kabar kalo nanti mau pd ngumpul disini horr to the reeeee, HOREEEEEE wkwk lumayan lah daripada sendirian dirumah kan attuuuuut akuwwhhh kalo ada cetaaaaaaaaaan ihhhh WAKAKAKAK

eh capek nih ngetik mulu, udahan dulu deh ceritanyaaaaaaaaaa....
BABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY tunggu post berikuts nya yaaaaaaaaaawwww :)

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Girl language

boys need to know

When i dont call you

[ Its because im waiting for you to

call me ]

When i walk away from you mad

[ Follow me ]

When i stare at your mouth

[ Kiss me ]

When i push you or hit you

[ Grab me and dont let go ]

When i start cussing at you

[ Kiss me and tell me you love me]

When i'm quiet

[ Ask me whats wrong/Or mess with me. ]

When i ignore you

[ Give me your attention ]

When i pull away

[ Pull me back ]

When you see me at my worst

[ Tell me i'm beautiful ]

When you see me start crying

[ Hold me and tell me everything will

be alright ]

When you see me walking

[ Sneak up and hug my waist from

behind ]

When i'm scared

[ Protect me ]

When i lay my head on your shoulder

[ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]

When i tease you

[ Tease me back and make me laugh ]

When i dont answer for a long time

[ reassure me that everything is okay ]

When i look at you with doubt

[ Back yourself up ]

When i say that i like you

[ I really do more than you could

understand ]

When i grab at your hands

[ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]

When i bump into you

[ bump into me back and make me laugh ]

When i tell you a secret

[ keep it safe and untold ]

When i look at you in your eyes

[ dont look away until i do ]

When i miss you

[ i'm hurting inside ]

When you break my heart

[the pain never really goes away ]

When i say its over

[ i still want you to be mine ]